If you only have a team using high damage, single attack weapons (most melee weapons, rifles and rockets), then yeah, it’s going to take ages to eliminate the mechs rather than just critically injure them, as a rifle shot might get wasted by hitting an arm that only had 1 hp on it. If a mech only has its body remaining with any significant hp, the machine gun will randomly split its damage across the parts that remain, but the shotgun will likely knock out all low-hp parts.

This means that the idea is that rifles and rockets at long range are for reducing large chunks of HP until you see an opening, then, if a mech does have a body part on low hp, a shotgun will guarantee doing some damage to it. While rifles deal heavy damage to one random part, a machine gun deals a lot of instances of low damage to random parts, and a shotgun splits its damage across all remaining parts while also rarely missing at short range. The NL review really focuses on it being hard to finish off mechs when you need to get the body to zero and weapons hit random body parts, they mention it three times in a fairly short review, which makes me wonder whether they just struggled to get their heads around it compared to other SRPGs. What really happened to trigger the Larcus Incident? Who are the masterminds behind the incident? Thus Huffman Island became the centre stage for a war between the two superpowers. Tensions flare up and end in war when the OCU is blamed for inciting the Larcus Incident on Jand the USN in turn blamed the OCU. An uneasy peace is maintained until the Huffman Crisis in 2086, when a series of skirmishes across the island causes chaos. The tensions heat up and eventually lead to the 1st Huffman Conflict in 2070, with Huffman Island being divided into two halves at the end of the war.

The Oceania Cooperative Union (OCU), an alliance of the nations of South Asia, South East Asia and Australia that was created in 2025, dispute this claim when the two superpowers colonized the island in 2065. However, in 2020, the United States of the New Continent (USN), a unification of North American and South American countries, made a bid for control of the island after withdrawing from the United Nations. In 2002, the land mass was classified as an island, and was ceded to United Nations control. Set in 2090, the story of Front Mission takes place on Huffman Island, a fictional Pacific Ocean island roughly the size of Oahu, created by volcanic activity south of Mexico’s west coast in 1995.