On top of that, frame-time latencies can be astonishingly high with some remarkable stutter.

In fact, the PlayStation 4 clocks up an average frame-rate of just 15fps across the run of play, with dips as low as 10fps. There's no beating around the bush here - Lichdom is a game that rarely manages to deliver a frame-rate north of twenty frames per second. We've run through the likes of Broforce, The Last Tinker, Assassin's Creed Unity and even Shadow of Mordor on PlayStation 3 - but nothing quite matches what we're witnessing here. Lichdom is a console port of a two-year-old PC game that also happens to be one of the worst performing console games we've ever tested. You may not be familiar with Lichdom: Battlemage, but after reading this, you may not be able to forget it either.